27 October, 2017, Post no. 17, The Last Post! In the interests of full disclosure, we must confess we are writing this last post six weeks after we got home from our trans-Canada travels. We are presently in NZ, nearing the end of our trip to NZ, after departing for NZ on 11 Oct. 13 Sept, Started off from Millers Camping Resort at Portage La Prairie. We bypassed Portage La Prairie, pausing only at a Smittys for Cobb Salad for lunch. Due to smoke from wildfires in Saskatchewan, the blue prairie skies faded to white and merged into the horizon. Driving was difficult, there was nothing to focus on beyond the immediate stretch of road, (flat and straight!). Passed two interesting farming ventures, a massive wind farm and an elk farm. Visited the RCMP Heritage Centre in Regina to see the recruits drill. K tried the virtual reality Musical Ride, while seated on a genuine RCMP saddle. The museum was beautifully done and of course w...
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