
Showing posts from August, 2017

30 August, 2017, Blog Post No. 12

30 August, 2017,   Blog Post No. 12 28 August – St Andrews campground by the sea had the most wonderful sea view.   Chatted to our neighbor, a retired US biologist from Florida, who spends his retirement volunteering for biological conservation projects.   Drove to Perth Andover via the River Valley Scenic Drive which followed the mighty St John River, one of the most beautiful drives we have done.   Saw a couple of the covered bridges for which NB is famous and put a couple of the ubiquitous graveyards to good use to exercise the dogs.   Churches and graveyards appear very frequently as we drive the minor highways, they will be top priority for dog breaks in future.   Another beautiful campground beside the river.   Took the dogs for a walk where they distinguished themselves by charging a flock of grazing Canada geese, who took off in a great honking huff.   Had a swim in the camp pool, Kirsty managed a length, P took the plunge and almos...

27August, 2017, Blog Post No. 11

27August, 2017,   Blog Post No. 11 15 August On to Newfoundland: Quite a performance to board the ferries with the dogs, We drove to North Sidney to catch the ferry to Port aux Basques.    Had a fleeting visit with Eileen, a 4 th cousin of Rona’s (Levin, NZ).   Rona is part of the world wide Clan McLeod who include the famous Norman McLeod as one of their own.   The McLeod clan has long time connections with Cape Breton thru the exodus of the McLeodites to Waipu Cove in NZ.   The meeting was fleeting because Marine Atlantic, the ferry operators begin loading 2 hours before.   Loading the dogs was a bit of a performance, but a couple of the female crew were very helpful and they were both duly stowed in the animal quarters.   They didn’t really enjoy the cruise, Phil sat with them for an hour or two until they calmed down and went to sleep.   Cooped up in their wire cage for 6 hours with only a complaining westy for company they were...